2016: A Reflection

2016 A Reflection

2016. What a year! I will definitely remember it as a good one - I am so proud of everything I have achieved and I have made a lot of amazing memories!
For todays post, I have created a timeline of all the big things I did this year. (The ones I can currently remember anyway!) I'll also attach some of my favourite pictures of the year to give you a little sneak peak into my life and what I got up to!

  • I went on a school trip to Dorset from the 18th - 20th of March.

  • My nephew Arthur was born on the 7th of May at 3:35.

  • I really began to kick-start my blog, and did my first ever collab with VieAvecCharlotte on the 12th of June.

  • I celebrated 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend Jack on the 23rd of June.

  • I went on a weekend hike/camp with Rangers from the 5th - 6th of August. 

  • I achieved an A in AS-Geography and a B in AS Maths, receiving my results on the 18th of August!

  • I went on an amazing holiday to Florida from the 11th - 25th of August where my childhood dream of walking down Diagon Alley came to life!

  • My brother came home from his year abroad in Australia on the 27th of August.

  • I started my bullet journal on the 11th of September.

  • I went to 6 university open days, including Derby and Teeside in the same day on the 19th of October.

  • I applied to them on the 17th of November and got offers from all, two of which were unconditional.

  • I applied for around 50+ Jobs and finally did one shift at my first (sort of) job on the 28th of October. I then received a call from my first (proper) job on the 29th of December.

  • I won an iPad from a university open day on the 22nd of December!

One of my regrets this year is actually how little I documented what I did! I wish I made more of a effort to remember everything I did and achieved in 2016. This will definitely be something I will try to do more of in 2017. 
Apparently January, February and July were a blur... or I just did nothing exciting!
What was your favourite month this year? Mine was probably August or December! Let me know in the comments down below!
I hope you have an amazing day and an even better 2017!


  1. I love this post because you've summarised your year but yet still included so much without rambling on! I've always wanted to go to Florida and I've also always wanted to meet dolphins so I'm veeerrrryyy jealous!!!
    I can't wait to see what 2017 holds for you and your blog!
    Kxxx www.lifeinkateish.wordpress.com

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you for reading! Going to Florida was such an amazing experience and I hope you get to go!
      Have an amazing 2017!
      Freya x
