Dear Santa... Help Them, Not Me.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa...
I know it's been a long time since I've written to you but this year I have something big to ask.
Instead of coming down my chimney this year, do you think you could visit some of those children in countries less fortunate than mine? Go and spread some happiness to those that have very little and want nothing more than to be safe. For those are the people that deserve it and need it the most. Please Santa, can you help me to show them the love that we are so often and generously given. Help them to remember the happiness that they have likely forgotten. No child, no matter how naughty or nice, should have to see the horrors they have seen but I know, that they will continue to witness such things. Even on Christmas day. The 'happiest' day of the year.
Santa, please can you tell them that I'm sorry. I'm sorry there is so little I can do for them but I really am trying my best. Tell them I'm sorry I'm sitting here writing this, instead of making a difference. But I don't know how you see. For Santa, I am here and they are there. In what seems like an entirely different world. This is why I am asking this of you. You see, if I had a sleigh that could fly around the world in a night, I'd have them all safe and sound by now. I'd try to stop that hurt and pain that they go through every day. But that is what I am worried about. I don't possess such magic and that is what we need. Magic. For this problem is too large, too twisted, too wrong. There's nothing I alone can do.
So please Santa, help them, not me.
Merry Christmas Santa,
Good Luck.
Freya x

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